Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Passion Projetct Day 5

I'm going to start off by saying that there are a lack of posts because I have been absent on numerous occasions where it was Passion Project day. However, I continued to research dream interpretations, and none of the really applied to my life. This may simply be because I'm an outlier in the whole dream phenomenon. We're said to dream in black and white, but I know for a fact that I dream in color.
Some other tidbits about dreams:
We're said to forget about 90% of our dreams in the first 10 minutes we're awake.
Did you know that we have several dreams every night, and we only remember a dream if that particular dream session is interrupted somehow?
Dreaming prevents phsychosis.
Those who were once smokers have more vivid dreams after they quit.
You are virtually paralyzed while you sleep.
If someone is snoring, they're not dreaming.
Plato thought that dreams come from our stomach and liver.
The symbolism of feet in dreams can represent anything from mobility to humiliation.

With that final fact, I come to my conclusion. Dreams are personal, they're the manifestations of our subconscious. As humans, we have all had different experiences that shape our subconscious. None of the dream dictionaries I looked at really did a good job of interpreting my dreams. That's why I've come to the personal conclusion that dreams are just that. Dreams. They don't necessarily have to mean anything. But, it's hard to tell when I'm just studying myself. Oneirology, the study of dreams, is still developing, and it's a science that we may not master any time soon.

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